Campaign 4. Student discount 199,00e kit-4-cataract

Working and studying from home can be complicated, so we decided to help students by offering a significant discount, from 454,20€ to 199,00€, on a set of products which contains the following items: 1x Head4eyes 1x Pad4eyes 4x Eye4cataract 2x Methylcellulose 1x Slit Knife 2.8 1x 15° Knive 1x Crescent Knife 1x Colibri Forceps (1M-04-310) […]
Campaign 3. Student discount 149,00e Kit-4-pigs

Working and studying from home can be complicated, so we decided to help students by offering a significant discount, from 913,00€ to 149,00€, on a set of products which contains the following items: 1x Head4eyes 2x Pad4Pig 1x Pins for fixation 1x Colibri Forceps (1M-04-310) 1x Eye Scissors Curved (1M-8-490) 1x Methylcellulose (OVD) Dispersive To […]
Campaign 2. Student discount 149,00e Head + kit4rhexis

Working and studying from home can be complicated, so we decided to help students by offering a significant discount, from 606,00€ to 149,00€, on a set of products which contains the following items: 1x Head 4 Eyes 1x Pad 4 Eyes 4x Eye 4 Cataract 1x Needle Holders To access the deal, students must […]
Campaign 1. Student discount 99,00e Head with 1x Pad4Pig

Working and studying from home can be complicated, so we decided to help students by offering a significant discount, from 576,00€ to 99,00€, on our most popular product Head 4 Eyes and a Pad 4 Pig. To access the deal, students must identify themselves as students on your website, and by that, they will receive […]
Newsletter February

# Newsletter February Dear readers, Here we are: the shortest, coldest, month of the year, in full winter fashion. Here at we are happy to provide you some good content to take a look at from your warm offices or after a day on the slopes. Welcome to the February edition of our newsletter! […]
how to setup your Kit 4 Refractive Laser Surgery
how to setup your Kit 4 Refractive Laser Surgery
how to bend Your own Capsulorhexis Cystotome Needles

how to bend Your own Capsulorhexis Cystotome Needles
01 VIDEO OF THE MONTH:DR. SUTTER OPERATION Are you wondering how our eyes behave during an operation? Watch Dr. Sutter using our Eye4Cataract eye in a live operation simulation. For every suggestion or feedback, or any additional information contact us at Thank you for reading
Newsletter. January
# Newsletter January Dear readers, A new year starts and we are happy to wish you all the best for it! This month we present you one of our main partners and his new website, then you can enjoy the video of a real operation on one of our eyes. Enjoy the reading and see […]
Newsletter Dezember

You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” ― Oscar Wilde