“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us” – Marshall McLuhan

Page by page in our website, one can find mounts, eyes, holders, pins, instruments, a complete collection of all ophthalmology’s best tools. Many, nearly too many, how to find the way when searching for the right ones for a single operation?

Our product manager soon found a solution: we decided to create different pre-assembled sets, comprehending all of our most sold products, in different combinations, one for everyone’s necessity. No one will start a setup just to discover that the pins or the right blades are missing.

Not only, but what makes the difference is that the set contains only all the required instruments to perform the operation you opted for, exactly what is needed and in the right quantity. This allows us to market it at the lowest price on the market, relieving you not only of the working but also of the economic stress.

Browse our selection of sets:
-Kit 4 Pigs   
-Kit 4 Cataract 
-Kit 4 Ophtalmic Suturing 
Kit 4 Refractive laser surgery 

In addition, only for this month, we are giving you a special discount with the code


Get one and step your game up!

*The code is valid until the 01.01.2019 for any expense over 100€

For every suggestion or feedback, or any additional information contact us at



72 pages.

That’s what you need to have a complete view on GmbH. That’s what you get in our catalog.

Not only hundreds of exceptional products, with explanations, characteristics and multiple versions, but also our vision, our story and a possibility to get to know our people closely.

The catalog was an important project for us. We tried to make it a statement, something to hand out to people which will give them the same feeling as speaking with us.  The catalog is divided in two main sections: the first one is about the company, the people, our partners, and us while the second features all our products and solutions, to give a complete overview of our market offer.  

Give it a look here!

This is the first edition, so we would love to have feedbacks on it!

If you are interested in having a copy contact us at at!


In this section, every month, we will provide you special offers based on your needs and the market trends of the moment.

This month’s selection:

Angles retainer 4 head
Head 4 Eyes
Eye 4 Alphakia (with IOL)

For every suggestion or feedback, or any additional information contact us at